Category: Wall
Quick posts – one shots, mostly quick thoughts or images that are of the moment or that day.
A very rainy day, so while working I’m starting a new audiobook, the second book in the series of “The Science Of Discworld”.
Starting The Science Of Discworld 2 – The Globe
New week, health start…
Starting the day off well..
In between the rain….
Lovely sunset tonight
After a good run, Google + is just about to close its doors. Being a member from the very beginning in 2011, I have made a many friends from around the world, and seen some great things. At the start it was a great place, very different from Facebook. On G+ I met people who […]
Hello darkness, my old friend
Tough day today. My bed was calling me back 30 seconds after I dragged myself out of it this morning….
Monday Already…?
4 weeks to go, I really do need to get out and do some running.
I really do need to get going
Still not drinking enough water I think. So trying some more of the cold infuse bags. These are Twinings Lemon, orange and ginger. Not bad, but also not much of a taste either, even after leaving a bag in water for a couple of hours… Also got a box of green leaf tea bags. I […]
Green Tea and more Water
It’s one of those days at work today. It would be more effective just spending my time banging my head against my desk…
Hi, My Name Is Going Home….
Sad to here today that Mark Hollis from Talk Talk has pastway. They didn’t make many songs I don’t think over the bands career, and I believe Mark retired from the music business 20 yrs ago, but I fondly remember most of their more well know chart hits like, Life’s what you make it, It’s […]
Sad News That Mark Hollis, lead singer of Talk Talk, dies at age 64
With a hell of a busy week and at home this weekend, a bottle of red was well and truly needed…
A Nice Bottle Of Red