Category: Wall
Quick posts – one shots, mostly quick thoughts or images that are of the moment or that day.
My tyre tonight on the way home exploded with the loudest nosie ever! It had the green slim inside to help with punctures, but it had no chance. Looks like ran over Kemit the frog. Poor women and her dog had a heart attack next to me on the path……
Tyre exploding
I like both David Tennant and Michael Sheen, and loved them in Good Omen’s which I’m looking forward to the second season. But this kind of passed me by while we were at the hight of the pandemic.
Started Watching Staged
Had to change the seat on my new bike to this one as it was giving me pains… Now it’s happy 🙂
Comfy Bum
Finally getting around to watching Westworld season three. Been on my to watch list for well over a year….
Watching Westworld Season 3
First day back to work, so first cycle into work on the new bike. It moves like a dream and even changes gears when I need, which makes a nice change. Also the fastest I’ve gotten into work in a very long time 🙂
First Cycle Into Work Of The New Year
One of his Christmas treats
Little Cake Treat For Kylo
Off to watch the new Spider Man film now with my youngest son. My eldest has already been to see it, and we have been dodging him for the last few days because he wants to tell us everything… 🙂
Spider Man No Way Home
Finally got hold of this book and started reading it today. Windswept And Interesting.
Started reading this
Getting through the first season really quickly 🙂
Binge Watching The Man In The High Castle Season 1
Early Sunday morning out for a bit of pumpkin picking.. A record this time I think with 7 for me to carve.
Pumpkin Picking