Category: Wall
Quick posts – one shots, mostly quick thoughts or images that are of the moment or that day.
After two days of rain, we got a break. Nice and frosty on this morning’s dog walk.
A Little Frosty This Morning
After a nice break over Christmas, it’s time to get back to work, so for now this is my office at home.
Back To Work
We don’t much snow around us. I has to be bad around the whole country before we normally see any, but today, only 17mins away we found snow 🙂
Snow Day!
Thursday is Christmas Dinner and jumper day at school for Ryan.
Jumper Day
This morning I picked the last of the apples off our tree. I counted 111, which we think would mean we got well over 250 apples this year, which is great!
The last of the apples
Its been a long time coming, and at some points I thought it would never come… but my youngest is going back to school, and my eldest is off to college!
The boys are back
Had a nice evening walk around Southport tonight. Haven’t been here for a long time, was lovely to walk on the pier and on the beach while the sun went down.
Nice Evening Walk..
Had a nice afternoon walk with most of the family, couldn’t get my eldest out of bed…. 4 miles and a couple of hrs in the sun is as much exercise as I will be doing today.
Sunday afternoon walk
Garden’s doing well, and we have a good amount of Strawberries and Raspberries this year.
Home Grown
Now that I have my new tablet, I thought I should start doing what I said I would once I got one….Read More…. One of the big series I have always wanting to get into but haven’t is Isaac Asimov Foundation. After seeing the new trailer for the up and coming TV series from Apple, […]
Starting to read Foundation.