Category: Videos
Videos that I have found around the web that I think are worth sharing. Some maybe movie and tv trailers, some music, and some just something interesting..
I do like gaming tech demo’s. Unity is a game engine that’s been around for a fair few years now, and has been behind some impressive titles.
Latest Unity’s Tech Demo
Dual Universe is a game I have followed it’s development for a couple of years now. I’m not a big MMO fan, I would feel like I could never invest the time into it to get the most out of it, but for some reason, this game has got me interested. As some of you […]
Dual Universe 30,000 Player Test
New trailer released today by Marvel for Endgame. Nice to see a bit more footage. Good to see IronMan at least makes it back to earth, and Captain Marvel make an appearance as we knew she would..
Avengers: Endgame – Trailer – Whatever it takes.
New music and video from Eliza, which is always nice.
I’ve post about this before, so not much more to say, but the new trailer shows a little more and shows new cast members and their characters.
GOOD OMENS Official Trailer 2
The trailer for the new Hellboy movie is finally out, and it does look good. Staring David Harbour from Stranger Things, Milla Jovovich and Ian McShane the cast looks great. I still wouldn’t of know it was David under all that if I hadn’t read he was doing this new version of Hellboy.
Hellboy Trailer
Sad to here today that Mark Hollis from Talk Talk has pastway. They didn’t make many songs I don’t think over the bands career, and I believe Mark retired from the music business 20 yrs ago, but I fondly remember most of their more well know chart hits like, Life’s what you make it, It’s […]
Sad News That Mark Hollis, lead singer of Talk Talk, dies at age 64
I would like to share this YouTube channel AntsCanada with you. I can not help but keep watching it. I’m not a big fan of ants but the micro worlds this guy builds for them, and what he does to keep them growing is so fascinating.
My New Favourite YouTube Channel – AntsCanada
I’m so looking forward to the new season of American Gods. Loved the book and the first season, even though it was different from the book in places, it was still really good.
American Gods Season 2 Teaser – Meet Your Gods
Didn’t watch the Brit’s myself as it was hosted by Jack Whitehall, though I don’t normally mind him, it seemed very cringeworthy to the point of turn the tv off. So I missed P!ink’s performance. Thanks the gods for youtube
P!nk – Live at The BRIT Awards 2019