Category: Family
All things about the family, images, videos and more.
Monday was Kylo’s 6th Birthday (May 4th) and his 4th year with us. Time has gone so quickly, but it also feels like he has been with us for so much longer… It was also May The Fourth Be With You day of course..
Week 7 – Kylo’s Birthday, VE Day and Water Fight’s
Week 6 has been and gone, and if you blinked you might of missed it… With me being back at work even though it’s at home, most of my time is working at my desk, so again not much to report during the week, but we never stop at the weekends….
Week 6 – Work, Work And The Occasional Walk
Happy 6th Birthday to our Kylo. He’s been with us now 4 years, and it feels so much longer… He has grown more and more in his personality than I ever thought he could. He really has now become a moody, grumpy, demanding pain in the bum 😁 If on the very rare occasion I […]
Happy Birthday Kylo – 6 Today.
Week 5 of Lockdown has been and gone.. These days and weeks are all blending into one another now. As the title suggests I’m now back to working from home. The studio has managed to create a working system for a few photographers and stylist to get back into studio and start shooting as we […]
Week 5 – Back To Working From Home..
As we rolled into week 4 now, what day it is just don’t seem to matter anymore, which is odd, but I’m finding that I’m ok with this. Anyway I have a few projects I wanted to finish off as the weather is getting nicer…
Week 4 – Finishing off a few projects..
Week three, and we are starting to be creative 😉 After spending probably way more time than I should to sort out one of my nails, screws and bits draw. I thought now would be a good time to make a new bird table for the garden. The one we have now is falling to bits…
Week 3 – Time to create…
As we went into week two of the lockdown, work started to slow down for me, as more and more staff were going off, until the boss decided to close until work came in again…
Week 2 – Not so much work, more jobs..
With the COVID-19 really picking up speed, and spreading at an alarming rate, my company has decided that I could work from home for the foreseeable future.
Week 1-Working from home
Well that’s it for another year, Eddie The Elf went back to the North Pole last night to help Santa. Leaving us with a month of smiles and fun…..
Eddie The Elf 2019
This post though it won’t hold many words has taken some time to put together, just because it opened such a rabbit hole that just kept going. Please forgiven the amount of images that’s going to load (over 200, but small images), I had stop at some point, but there is so much more out there…….This post though it won’t…
My 70s and 80s memories by mostly images