Over 8 weeks, for me almost 60 days working and basically not leaving the house has, I think finally hit. Yes I have walked around to the local shop for essentials, walking the dog in the mornings and the odd family walk locally. But no real interaction with anyone else, and yes I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m missing interaction with …..a few people….
Working from home does have one or two advantages. One is my wife’s baking. Fresh warm scones for afternoon tea, very civilized.
One of Ryan’s pieces of school work, was to learn about submarines and design and make a model. A water bottle, some spray paint and card later we have HMS “The Barnacle”
Weekend walk in the park…. Got out Sunday morning before the whole of Leyland decided to go to the park. Nice walk through the woods with Ryan and Kylo while Sam slept away the day…..

A home project of mine, might be coming soon if it works out
World News
What’s happening in the world this week….?

A new species of frog found in Costa Rica, and it looks like Kermit The Frog. Named Diane’s Bare-hearted glass frog (Hyalinobatrachium dianae).

As the government here in the UK eases the restrictions slightly this week, hoping people could go back to work, those that can safely. Public transport, parks and beaches packed……

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