Category: Random Web Images
All things I have found around the web that I and hopefully you might find interesting.
I have found over the last few years I have turned into a grumpy old guy. Not sure what the turning point was, but I really, and I do mean really have no time for most people anymore. You just have to look on social media, the IQ has dropped so much it’s scary…
As I Get Older
Been a mad few day’s here at the Dixons. If it’s not one it’s the other, or they go for the double slam and hit us with both! Our eldest is really pushing his luck at the moment with the teenage attitude. I guess he still hasn’t learned who has control of the internet in […]
Kids, that is all…..
Time for a whopping post, with 30 movie posters from films to come and films just gone…
Ginormous collection of movie posters
Got 23 posters here for two coming films I would like to see. Captain Marvel and Alita Battle Angel. Must admit I don’t know much about either from the comics, but they both look really good.
Captain Marvel And Alita Battle Angel Posters
Dog’s are funny, but I find even more humour in these images now we have are own 4 legged pal..
A dog’s life
We are a little Lego crazy in our house, so we are looking forward to the second Lego Movie. Looks just as good as the first.
Lego Movie Two The Second Part Posters
I’m in no way surprised that these work so well. We have a genius who thought of putting Donald Trump quotes with the Zach Brannigan from Futurama. Laugh on…..
Trump Quotes With Zach Brannigan
Thought it was time to put up some movie posters. I’m very much behind on posting with the move over to my new site…
Movie Posters
Just a handful of random images found around the web for the end of the year post. We have some great dog shots, and top gifs 🙂
Random Images For The End Of The Year
Just thought I would post a handful of images and gifs.
Just some random images