Category: My Media Intake
Information and lists of my latest media that I’m reading, watching and listening to. This will be films, tv shows, music, audio book, podcasts, books and graphic novels.
My Plex tv show collection is getting bigger by the week, but I’m not getting much time to watch much of them. So going to make an effort to get through a batch that’s at the top of my list, starting with the below….
Next Batch Of Shows On My Watch List
Lot’s of new things out I want to watch, read and listen to, so better get going for December..
Media Intake For December
Not had a lot may audio books to listen to lately, I have been running through a lot of podcasts when I can, so thought it was time to load up a bunch onto my tablet while at work.
Audio Books For October And Beyond
Got a very long list of shows I want to watch, it’s jut finding the time to sit and enjoy them. Thankfully with my Plex system up and running and stocked with hundreds of tv shows I can catch an episode here and there, at home or out and about.
My Tv watch list for August and beyond
It’s been a really long time since I’ve seen The Shining. But I found out from a podcast I was listening to that there was a 2012 documentary about the film and some of the hidden clues, and also some amazing theories around the film and the Director Stanley Kubrick. So I’m going to give […]
Room 237
I have been working from home for a almost a year now, and you would have thought I would have managed to get through lots of films, tv and audiobooks while working, but that really hasn’t been the case. I have got through a lot of podcasts though…
Media Intake For February And Beyond
Been a mad few months again, and back working from home has now allowed me to start to work through my media collection. I have spent years building up my collection of tv, films and music which now runs on my own plex system.
Tv shows watching in November 2020
Only three months since my last audiobook list, and I easily managed to get through the four Science of Discworld books. I have had a fair bit of time to listen to them while working from home, so now it’s time for a handful more…
Audiobooks And Podcasts for September 2020
Now that I have my new tablet, I thought I should start doing what I said I would once I got one….Read More…. One of the big series I have always wanting to get into but haven’t is Isaac Asimov Foundation. After seeing the new trailer for the up and coming TV series from Apple, […]
Starting to read Foundation.
As I’m at my desk (dining table) 5 days a week while working from home. I do like the odd tv show on as a break from podcasts and audiobooks. Here are the 8 shows I have queued up on my Plex system for the next few weeks…
Tv shows watching in June 2020