
Trailers, images and games I’m playing.

21 years later Worms Armageddon gets an update!

OMG! I can not believe its been 21 years. I did love a good worms game. Had a few versions over the years, but always came back to Armageddon. I remember having my first laptop and taking it to work into the studio and having lunchtime battles with a few of the guys. Such fun!!

They have added a bunch of bug fixes plus a handful of new features to many to breakdown here, but head over to the Steam page for all the full details.

  • Extended Scheme Options
  • Tweening
  • Windowed Mode
  • Streamers’ Heaven
  • CPU Teams at Large
  • Mapshot
  • Compatibility
  • Translations
  • Fixes and More
  • 370 fixes,
  • 45 changes, and
  • 61 new features.

Yep I think I will be firing this one up again and seeing if I can’t blow myself up 🙂

Whilst we are on a worms trip, they have just announced a new game, not the same format, this is more like Smash Brothers, but could be fun if it translates the humor across…

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