Another week down, and if you’re not counting or haven’t seen the title, we have just gone through week 7 of the lockdown. Think it’s now starting to wear us down, with no really sign of anything changing anytime soon. What I thought at the beginning would be over in a few novelty weeks, is now looking more like 6 months plus……
Anyway, Monday was Kylo’s 6th Birthday (May 4th) and his 4th year with us. Time has gone so quickly, but it also feels like he has been with us for so much longer… It was also May The Fourth Be With You day of course..
So what have you got me? Card made by Ryan May The Fourth slippers… Sam even got out of bed before midday to see Kylo!
Time in the garden
Chilling, BBQ, Water Fights and Camping….
On Friday it was VE Day, so we spent the day in the garden and had a BBQ which was nice, a little bit of chilling, a water fight or two and on Saturday me and Ryan camped in the garden for the night.

Unfortunately we had a upsetting incident. Ryan found a little bird on our drive, which looked like it might of hurt its wing. Alas, Kylo found it also. It was quick, and took me longer to get him to drop the poor bird. Ryan was so upset, bless him…..
More walks in the sun while we can..

Ryan doing Joe Wicks P.E. class online….

Tooth Fairy has been given special permission to still come into homes to collect teeth. Ryan’s glad about that. It was a big one, and a surprise!

Had to make some small changes to my bird table. The birds have been throwing seeds and dried worms all over the floor while they eat, and Kylo is eating them up with a side order of soil… No wonder his tummy is aways making noises….
World News
Something from around the world

The Asian giant hornet has made it’s way into America and Canada, which they have named the ‘Murder Hornets’, and you can see why, it is a big one!!

Russia almost ready to replace human soldiers with ‘faster and more accurate’ robots on the battlefield says director of country’s Advanced Research. Not sure how soon is soon. Meanwhile Chinese hospitals have started using robots to deliver medicine and food to Covid-19 sufferers and they can even disinfect themselves…..

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