Week 5 of Lockdown has been and gone.. These days and weeks are all blending into one another now.
As the title suggests I’m now back to working from home. The studio has managed to create a working system for a few photographers and stylist to get back into studio and start shooting as we have clients already asking for work to be done. Well the break was appreciated, but the bills need paying..
So as you can imagine, with working not much time to take pictures and I’m not doing much other that working at my desk(dinning table)….

Still have my partner, but wasn’t happy he couldn’t sit on my lap while I work…
YouTubing while skateboarding The boys The wife supplies snacks 😉 And more snacks… Making his own dinner. Ryan cooling down

Breakfast in the garden is nice…
Some evening we got out for a walk, our daily exercise… We even found a lovely fairy walk that locals have started making for people to see and add their own, which of course we did. Ryan added his own fairy door.
With the sun getting stronger I had to make a quick sun shield for my monitor. By the weekend I had upgraded to mk2. It was need for all the recolours that I’m doing for a client.
Mk1 Mk2 Colours, lots of colours…
At the weekend me and Ryan painted some plant holders for an old lady for her garden. I think she liked them…

I’m not asleep on the table at all….

Stay At Home
Protect The NHS
Save Lives
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