As we went into week two of the lockdown, work started to slow down for me, as more and more staff were going off, until the boss decided to close until work came in again…
This led to me doing more jobs around the house… Fence panels and concrete posts were first on the list for attention. Though I did finally get my eldest to help out a little….
Next jobs up, a concrete post and step needed fixing and the car could do with a wash. Thankful my youngest was up for helping on these…
And speaking of my youngest. Showed him how to make scrambled egg’s and its his new favourite thing 😉
Did managed to get something that I have want to do for sometime though. Unravel my pc and plex server, and give them a clean. Also sort my desk out and throw away a load of crap, once the dog got out of my way……
With all this work, it was good to also get in the garden now the weather has turned nice and just relax a little, even the tadpoles are moving about now….

My youngest even convinced me to make a Fortnite account so I could help him play, as you can see, it’s not going well 🙂

And yes the Baileys are still being served in the evenings…

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