I have been watching the development of PLEX for sometime and finally decided to instal and see if I could run my own media server for all the films, tv shows and music I have collected over many, many years. After a fairly simple setup, I had it up and running, then I got the buy the lifetime pass at a cheaper price email and went for it.
Been running it now for a couple of months and I have to say I love the organization of all my files and the way it displays them all. I have two boys, so I have kids tv and kids movies access for my youngest. And teen movies for my eldest, plus a movie section for older viewing. Each son has his own account so it keeps track of what and where they are upto in any film or tv episode.
As I said they also have a music section, though we don’t listen to much music, I’m waiting for an audio book section to be added and then I will be so happy with this. Podcast have just been added, but at the moment I still use pocketcast app, so it might take a while to move over to plex for them..
At the moment my plex service is running on my home pc which I don’t want running all the time. This is phase one, phase two is getting a Raspberry Pi 3+ with plex installed and then this will become my server connected to my 4TB network drive. And phase 3 will be to replace the aging 4TB drive with 12TB raided network drive, though this will be sometime as pricings puts it around the £700 point…..

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