• A Few Days In London

    Last weekend we had the chance to go to London for a few days on our own without the boys. So we tried to see and get as much as we could done in the time we had.

  • My goodness there’s a lot of tv shows I’d like to watch lately, but I just don’t seem to have the time to sit and binge watch. So this list will take me most likely into the new year at this rate….

  • Audio Books For September

    Got my next batch of audio books loaded in and ready to go. Mostly Scifi as I do like that genre, with a autobiography and an anthropology thrown in the mix.

  • Movie Posters

    Thought I would throw up a few movie posters from my collection folder.A few films that have already come out like Scream 6 and Wakanda Forever, and some still to come out like Dune part 2, Kraven the Hunter and Oppenheimer. All good and looking forward to watching a couple of them when I can.

  • tv-series-media-intake

    The amount of Tv shows on my to watch list is getting bigger and bigger, so I thought if I write a post, I might start working through them 🙂 Top thinking!! Of course I have been posting a few things to my Mastodon account @Leemdixon@mastodon.social under the #mymediaintake , I have started working on…

  • Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog! Today I have a special treat for you: some hilarious images that I found while browsing the internet. Trust me, if you have anything like my sense of humour you don’t want to miss these!

  • Last week we had a nice break in the Lake District, a place near Lowther Castle in Penrith. We had the perfect weather with lots of sun, and no rain 😉 Plenty of walking was done, food was eaten and drinks were had.

  • Part3 and the final one on the reimagined book covers series. I might post more in at a later date if I find more. Enjoy……

  • Part 2 here of the reimagined book covers I have been collecting for sometime. 🤣 All posted images can also be found in my Gallery section here.

  • I have been collecting these whenever I found them online for sometime, mostly via Pinterest but sometimes from the odd social post. I have laughed out loud a few times on some of these, and if you have anything like my sense of humour you will too. With almost 90 found so far I thought…

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